3-Legged Stable Foundation

Cyclical Arbitrage. The Fly-Wheel Effect.

There are three aspects to World of Futuring™ that help it to maintain balance as well as financial benefit and interest to governments, individuals and society as a whole.

Physical Theme Park and Digital World United

World of Futuring™ is a "real life" theme park ("Life Park") that invites individuals and families to travel to, visit and engage in World of Futuring™ in the same way one might travel to another country to visit a World Wonder or to visit Disney World.

The difference between a Theme Park and an Amusement Park is that an Amusement Park is designed to amuse. An amusement park is designed to provide thrill, entertainment, and excitement or novelty. A theme park is a park that is designed based on a theme. An example is that Lego Land is designed around the theme of Legos. There is a cross-over in that an amusement park can have themes and a theme park can amuse.

Our newly coined term of "Life Park" has similar crossover in that it will entertainment, amuse, and also have its foundation around the theme of Futuring©. What makes a Life Park different than an amusement park or theme park is that the goal is to affect the visitor's Life. World of Futuring™ is designed to affect a change in the individual using a theme and using entertainment or amusement as a vehicle. The change in the individual is one that will be transferable to "real life." We call these "micro-experiences."

There are several studies that show the ability of mental imagery compared to physical practice leading to comparable results and in some cases outperforming traditional training practices. What this simply means is that there is a way to engage someone in a behavior outside of the traditional discipline that will translate the benefits over to the desired discipline. In other words, it's possible to bring a Golf Athlete or Skateboarder to World of Futuring™, have him or her ride a World of Futuring™ Roller Coaster, go back to Golfing or Skateboarding and be able to accomplish the shot or trick they were previously unable to execute.

How can we accomplish this?

We have a proprietary process that is employed across all of modes of materials and front-facing experiences. It's called Futuring and it uses what we call Alignment. To put this even more simply, by giving purpose to each thing, it translates to the person having to find the purpose for that moment in their own lives. This gives World of Futuring™ the ability to become a place that people don't need to escape to, like all other vacation destinations, but a place they can go to for empowerment and bring that back to their location.

It seems counter-intuitive to create an environment that isn't addictive. It seems possible to lose revenue by not creating a place people need to come to. The truth is that by creating a location that is designed to "come home" with the people, this has the ability to not only increase alternative forms of engagement across modalities but also to create an organic marketing campaign with each visitor.

The Metaverse

The Metaverse is a digital version of World of Futuring™. This digital version will allow people to visit World of Futuring™ in an Augmented, Virtual and Video Game 2-D form.

The benefit to having a Metaverse is that in addition to every possible trend lending itself towards a Virtual Reality experience with the potential to leave Physical Theme Parks in the dust, this allows people to engage with World of Futuring™ sooner than awaiting the completion of the physical theme park. The Metaverse has an ecosystem and currency that will allow people transact, buy, sell, visit, talk, and build together. World of Futuring™ Metaverse gives people the ability to ride rides in virtual format as well. NFT's and Cross-platform NFT's are on the cutting edge of video game production which is a multi-Trillion dollar industry and World of Futuring™ will be at the forefront of that industry before we even develop a single game.

The Metaverse also provides another use-case for the token. The use-case for the token adds value to the token as well as World of Futuring™ as a whole.

World of Futuring™ Studios

Animation, Documentaries, and Stories produced by World of Futuring™ is one of the outgoing services World of Futuring™ provides that furthers the brand and the message outside of those looking for a "Life Park."

We have experience in animation, film, documentaries, Netflix writers, streaming service sales, actors, directors, and producers from all walks of the Hollywood Film spectrum.

Theatrical Performance on stage of Futuring© and the Futuring© stories is in line with World of Futuring™ and is another arm that live-performance goers will be able to hold on to as they connect deeper and enter the World of Futuring™ eco-system.

Book Publishing

With books ranging from Alignment Alchemy to Futuring©, Pele Pele Press is a World of Futuring™ Publishing arm that gives a new demographic of consumer yet another way to partake in World of Futuring™. Audible and the Audio Book industry has been on an extreme upward trajectory for the past several years now especially since Covid.

Defi and Decentralization: Benefitting the people.

Creating the FU Token on the Blockchain as a cryptocurrency enables all people to not only uniquely engage in the World of Futuring™ ecosystem, but to benefit financially in a variety of ways.

Staking, Farming, Pools, Trading, and even Banking are all designed to function using the FU Token and the World of Futuring™ ecosystem.

The FU Token is created to allow the average person and seasoned investor alike, the opportunity to own a piece of World of Futuring™. Imagine being able to own a piece of Disney while it was being built. This benefits World of Futuring™ and the investor at the same time.

Staking allows a person to increase the value of the FU Token while earning on the staked amount of FU Token at the same time.

Farming allows the person to financially benefit from others using the World of Futuring™ system.

Pools provide capital to the World of Futuring™ system while again allowing the person engaging in the pools a financially reward for doing so.

Trading gives people the ability to earn money through the buying and selling of the FU Token and others.

Banking is another service World of Futuring™ provides that enables people to hold currency, use currency, and exchange goods and services using the FU Token without the concern of a centralized entity controlling what you do with your money.

The entire DEFI arm of World of Futuring™ fulfills the "services" leg of the trilogy. We are encouraging and even inviting several different governments to be a part of World of Futuring™ and the DeFi aspect as we see it as a win-win-win situation. The most seamless and cost-effective way to encourage the public to pay taxes and the governments to benefit in a way that far outperforms the angsty relationship between the people and government is to simply receive a portion of trading taxes that occur between every single transaction on most blockchains. This is going to allow for the highest level of compliance possible by users from within any government which leads to an extremely high amount of seamless revenue for the governments that connect with World of Futuring™.

The vision for airlines, service, and delivery from home town to the footsteps of World of Futuring™ are unparalleled. We will discuss this at a later time.

Community: Educate and Export Professional-Level Certifications

Futuring University™

Futuring University™ is designed to truly educate and train the individual to the highest level possible.

Our formula for doing this is that all humans work better, think better, access higher potential, when engaging in an activity they personally feel connected to for one reason or another, without external force or pressure for a separate goal. All this means that is that we believe that each person is here on the planet for a particular reason and we call that, Alignment. When the person is engaging in their Alignment, they feel satisfied, fulfilled, and driven. This leads to a higher level of success and a greater level on job and interpersonal fulfillment which has effects on lowering depression, suicide, anxiety, medication, and debt. Because of the DeFi aspect of World of Futuring™, even if a company comes from a sector that benefits from debt, pharmaceutical medication for compulsive behaviors or the like, the goal of World of Futuring™ is not to interfere with the ability for outside industries to financially prosper, but to provide them with another way of accomplishing their goals that would allow people to remain healthy at the same time.

Futuring University™ is currently decentralized and lives online in Telegram and on the blockchain. Classes, groups, learning rooms, and podcast-like presentation areas allow people and groups from around the world to connect, talk and learn in an ad-free and stress-free environment.

The benefit of creating Futuring University™ is that it benefits the student while at the same time benefitting World of Futuring™ because the goal is that Futuring University™ students will be the ones to build various aspects of World of Futuring™. From engineering students building roller coasters to hotel management hopefuls running the NFT-themed hotels on the grounds, F.U. Students will have hands-on experience that other graduates from other institutions will only get after graduation. From nursing, gamers, artists, and enthusiasts all coming to Futuring University™ to finally enjoy the process of learning, perspective jobs, hospitals and empolyers will seek out F.U. students for a level of proficiency that is almost unexplainable but surprisingly simple to accomplish.


By creating the top students in the world and by creating an environment of learning by living and curriculums designed by the students, for the students, the concept and vision of World of Futuring™ is able to spread to academia and into the homes of families at all walks of life. Yet again, this brings people to World of Futuring™ and with all of the ways to engage in the World of Futuring™ ecosystem, there is something for everyone who is truly on the quest for any degree of personal fulfillment, development and self-actualization.

For the high percentage of society who only wants to be entertained or be amused, that's ok. World of Futuring™ and Futuring University™ scratches that itch while tapping in to the highest forms of even the simplest of desires.

The vision for merchandise, traditional university experiences and word of mouth marketing is something that is already being calculated and will be spoken about later.

Entertainment, Services, and Marketing...

Animation, Documentary films, Stories, Books, Live Performances and an Online Metaverse fulfill the entertainment leg of the stable foundation.

Staking, Farming, Pools, Trading, and Banking fulfill the Services leg of the stable foundation by allowing for investing and financial benefit for users and World of Futuring™ at the same time. The better we're able to fulfill on this end, the less dependent we are on anyone else, thereby truly providing the best service possible to the World of Futuring™ People.

Futuring University™ is the third leg of the stable foundation which enables people to have an invested personal interest in World of Futuring™ outside of simply an entertainment and financial benefit. The University aspect focuses on the skill-developing portion of a person who can then use those skills in any other area of life outside of World of Futuring™. This spreads the methods, culture, and purpose of World of Futuring™ in a way that surpasses traditional marketing and ads.

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