Investor Interest

A place for everyone, but not quite...

Since the inception of World of Futuring™, we've been approached by investors or have been offered investments. We are very selective with these relationships. Here's why.

Regarding investment interest, we view these as relationships. Any investment creates a relationship because one person is providing something of value to them in exchange for something of value. There is no recipient of an investment at World of Futuring™. World of Futuring™ is providing something of value in exchange for something of value as well. For us, at World of Futuring™, we are looking for people who Understand what we're building and want to be a part of bringing that to life. With any relationship, creating a relationship where both parties are valued and also provide value outside of the relationship, creates the win-win-win scenario we're seeking.

With our investor relations, we are also open to investors who have a desire to provide value in the following ways:

  • Expertise

  • Experience

  • Financial

  • Something World of Futuring™ may need at that moment in time (i.e. Land, Airplane, Connection)

  • Silence or remaining Passive

We are building something that has been done before and is nothing new. While that sounds potentially boring, that part is true, with a caveat...

The Combination and Methodology of what is being offered has never been done before. We call this, our iPhone. All of the pieces of the iPhone existed beforehand and were even being used, including glass and touch screen applications. But the combination of the way everything was put together had never been done before and that's what revolutionized the phone market and Apple. Similar to bread, the wheat and water are thousands of years old, but the way a certain chef puts those pieces together can be combined in such a way that create a brand new experience for the person partaking in the culinary experience.

From "micro-experiences" to a simple change in environment, World of Futuring™ provides every individual with the ability to bring something back with them that will enable them to truly create the magic they were previously looking for externally.

There are many ways to create a relationship with World of Futuring™ and be a part of something with the intent to impact the world in a way that hasn't been done for a few thousand years at this point.

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