Local Benefits

World of Futuring™ is here to give. For profit. Here's how.

World of Futuring™ is "For Profit." Nevertheless, we have a system of operations that is able to benefit everyone on the food chain wherever they may be. Imagine a government that was able to grow without taking from its people. A country that was able to prosper by helping its people prosper. This is World of Futuring™.

The physical location is not publicly disclosed at the moment but we've begun our conversations with a particular government and here are our intentions with the people and location.

World of Futuring™ needs artists, actors, writers, studios, animators, farmers, builders, hospitality services and more. In Film production, when we analyze what city or state or country we're going to film, we look at tax benefits and local businesses as well. What that means is that if a film production comes into your town or city to film, it brings along with it its crew as well as the press, attention, and popularity that comes along with having had a film produced in your city. When the cast and crew are in that city, we need food, tools, hotels, gas, groceries, etc. That's business for the locals. World of Futuring™ is seeking to hire the locals first to ensure that this is not an operation of colonization but an operation of multi-benefit. In addition to hiring, World of Futuring™ has an ecosystem that benefits locals by simply existing and operating.

It's important for us to be clear with the financial benefits to the locality and government because we see that by working together, the benefits are tremendous and haven't been actualized this way since the late 1990's.

Similar to the tourism that Walt Disney invites and brings to Florida, World of Futuring™ is able to attract tourism, money, and the ability to rebrand in whatever way is most favorable.

From hiring, decreasing dependency on outside providers, rebranding, and attracting visitors in an industry that is a multi-billion dollar industry, we are creating a true win-win-win situation.

The World of Futuring™ ecosystem includes farming which helps the local area generate its own food. Jobs range from artists and designers to farmers and hospitality. From animators and film studios to engineers and real estate developers. World of Futuring™ has a place for teachers and experts to chefs, restauranteurs, and fashion. A foundational piece to this infrastructure is the financial system running on decentralized finance which provides a framework for people to be the custodian of their own capital, loan, lend, and borrow, and be a part of a banking system that benefits the government and the people at the same time.

Welcome to World of Futuring™.

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