Methodology and Implementation.

How we do what we do. And why.

We believe that each person is on this planet for a reason, and finding that reason is the beginning to living a life that leads to a net-positive for the entire world.

Whether you are spiritual, religious, or atheistic, it doesn't really matter. Nature seems to show us the same thing. Everything serves something else and when it's no longer useful, it changes to a form that provides some for of use for something. When humans don't understand their purpose or feel connected to a reason for living, they tend to engage in behaviors that are destructive to themselves and others. World of Futuring™ helps to solve that.

Alignment is simply the tool that connects a person to whatever their purpose, drive, or reason is for being alive. Alignment is what helps a person perform at their highest level possible.

Not everyone is interested in attaining their highest level and that's ok. For the people who simply want to be entertained, World of Futuring™ can help with that in a way that is net-positive. It's like someone who just wants to eat a cupcake and we provide them with a healthier version. That's World of Futuring™ without the "taste" of a "healthy cupcake."

Our belief is that just about everything is easier to understand or heal once understood on a wholistic™ level. Because of this, the entire eco-system of World of Futuring™ and the staff, team, supporters, and investors are connected in a wholistic™ way that enables us to see and repair issues in the most efficient way possible. We don't look at an injury to the finger as only affecting the finger. It affects the entire body and that's how we heal the finger. This is World of Futuring™. The metaverse, the defi economy, the stories, or the investors are all connected and understanding that connection is part of our Wholistic™ methodology from where we operate and create.

By noticing similar principles across a diverse array of disciplines that are in alignment with World of Futuring™, our approach highlights the collaborative nature of the venture, involving experts, peers, and contributors from various disciplines and backgrounds. The hands-on practical exposure at Futuring University™ is emphasized, with students actively participating in the park's construction and development.

Simply put, we use experts in any area, to share their wins and losses, while encouraging students to practice by simply living and making mistakes. World of Futuring™ is built by creating an environment for students to make mistakes and learn from the best in the world.

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