What Stage

What stage are we in?

Pre-Seed stage. We don't usually use the terms associated with regular investments because everything has been and continues to be a bootstrap. This means that we've been building for 5 years and have developed the groundwork, certain buzz that got us to this point, images and a solid vision for what works in the market place as well as for what the alignment of World of Futuring™ truly is. From legal consultations to attorney hires and paperwork and copyrights and trademarks, it's time to put more powder in the keg and fire up the rocket. Similar to a few other rockets trying to get into the stratosphere, there may be some explosions but we see the final result and impact of World of Futuring™ and have run into snags, hiccups, walls, curve balls, and minor bombs before. The explosions and set backs may increase in size, but so have we. One of the things we've noticed is that a concept like this has been attempted in some way or another, several times before but for one reason or another fails at certain points. While on the outside, the endeavors look as if they were completed, the truth is, the true vision of the visionary were not completed and for some reason ran into blocks that seemed insurmountable. They are not insurmountable. To investors, the profitability of this, and those other endeavors, are exponential and have proven to be life-changing. That's exciting and understand how to deliver on that front. We also intend to go beyond that point and not reach, but arrive at the destination of what we see the full potential of World of Futuring™ to be. In our times, we're seeing these goals being met over and over again. Electric vehicles are being produced en mass. Rockets are going into outer space being made by private companies. Mergers and Acquisitions are happening between unexpected and seemingly unrelated companies. The time for World of Futuring™ is now, and it's happening.

"I'll see you in the present, which is the future, you design." Excerpt from Futuring©

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