
We get it. What are the numbers?

The crypto, blockchain, and metaverse areas have the fastest turn-around times for ROI and production.

The park itself has the most stable returns and real estate backed investment.

In the film department, for $250,000 we have a film team comprised of award-winning film-makers and agents who sell to streaming services such as Hulu and Netflix. One strategy for creating a film is to bring awareness and use the film as a marketing piece. The money would be made off of what the main income producer could provide. In this case, the goal is to sell the film for 150% of the cost of making it. So the profit in 12 months or so is around $125,000 just off of the front end.

$25,000 for Book publishing includes the audio sales component as well and with the custom team built around this, a 300% ROI for this could be expected in around 8 months. A $50,000 profit. There will be ongoing costs associated with this as there will be ongoing work until the right mix is found. The caveat is that the income is also ongoing after the initial set up is finished so the ROI continues to increase with time.

$20M for the Life Park, Real Estate Development, Theme Park consulting, Permits, Architects, and ground labor. The ROI here is projected to reach $100M in annual profit after year 6. This is for the investor who has a longer term vision and wants to be a part of something that also has a direct impact on the people and environment of a particular location.

$90,000 for the Futuring University marketing component has an ROI that extends into branding, advertisement capital, and podcast interview-type endorsements as Futuring University brings the eyes and ears to World of Futuring and all of the information it provides. Building this into a large watering hole of information is what builds the credibility of everything Futuring. The ROI on Futuring University will be in valuation that will exceed $1M because of its reach and be given shares that provide dividends in year 3 is the best option here. This ROI will take around 3 years and then make back the initial in valuation as this deliverable is the University itself and the marketing arm together that provides information. This is best for the investor who believes in education and wants to connect as many people as possible to World of Futuring. This is not the most lucrative play but one of the most impactful at this juncture.

$4M for Crypto, Defi, NFT's, Loans, and Banking has an ROI into the 500%+. In around 2 years or less, the $4M can ROI into near $20M. Providing liquidity with the right decentralized exchanges, the right partners, developers, contract reviews, and influencers while in a Bear market, have the likelihood of creating something foundational that will march right into the bull market. There is a tangible and real asset here, a real team, an actual design and vision. This combination is not typical in this space and lends itself to a legitimate investor base which attracts real money and more money. This is for the investor with an basic understanding in market makers, stock trading and futures, a basic understanding of crypto and tokenomics in general, and the belief in an overall sentiment that people appreciate being in control of their own banking or money. An overall belief that it's possible that peer to peer loans and banking may have benefits that a percentage of the public would prefer to traditional methods is all that is needed here. The ROI is very large and a dogmatic belief is not required.

The metaverse is something that we can build with a few experienced designers and developers who will be hired as contractors and work for around 7 months. The metaverse land purchase, depending on what fits the Futuring asthetic and alignment, can cost as little as $2000 or $60,000. Location of the land as it relates to other investors such as ATARI, SONY, Porsche, etc. can have an impact on the traffic that the land itself can benefit from. The metaverse is a trending topic so anyone building in this area in the right place at the right time, can benefit from simply taking action. Inside of the metaverse there is an ability to rent out space or sell advertisements but in World of Futuring™ Metaverse the ROI is going to be made through commerce using the FU Token which includes the ability to go to special rooms, purchase Wizard Wear™ for your character and keep as an NFT, Trade and use a DEX similar to any other DEX but also in the Metaverse to encourage onboarding and peer to peer engagement. The Metaverse component should be viewed as a foundational layer of marketing as well that helps to promote other aspects of World of Futuring™ and serve to be the actual foundation of the entire ecosystem as we build the physical IRL World of Futuring™. Investment here should be between $60,000 and $80,000 with a 15% ROI over 3 years and continued ability to invest after initial round.

The Live Theater Performance is exciting and with $250,000 can generate a 100% ROI within 2 years, including the marketing, and then at the 4 year mark surpass $1M. This includes set design, rehearsals, contracts, marketing, play halls, travel required, actors, directors, and staff. This is a tight budget but a realistic outcome with a tight manager on board. This is for the retired investor who wants to be a part of something enjoyable, exciting, and live.

The Airline is for someone who has always wanted to be involved with air travel. The concepts we have in mind have the time to mature alongside the building of World of Futuring™. Already, there are smaller airlines and pilots that work with this concept that we will be able to implement quickly depending on the final location of the Life Park™. From private jets, rentals, helicopter purchases for 5 passengers, and commercial airlines, air travel is a key component not only for getting people to the location, but for beginning their journey of Futuring far before they ever arrive. This branding move is a psychological footprint in the minds of every traveler that have the ability to create recurring income streams by simply nailing this component. $10M is what's required to have any movement in this area. From hiring to aircrafts, this is a big move to make but this starts the conversation. This is for any investor who has flown private, has an aircraft, appreciates the details, and sees the vast area for improvement in commercial flights and wants to do something about it.

Gaming and combining gaming with the crypto world, play to earn, and competitions, is a multibillion dollar market and requires over 1 year of R&D just for accuracy while at the same time not moving too slowly to miss the boat altogether. $500,000 helps us put a full time staff together to build and launch several games quickly to help us fail quickly and identify which games simply will not work. We've seen games like Clash of Clans and Angry Birds go on to make major motion pictures and an annual multibillion dollar recurring stream of revenue. Giving people the opportunity to connect via gaming and then IRL with an actual Life Park is like creating a theme park for Fortnite while people have been playing it over the past 7 years. The revenue from the gaming component of World of Futuring™ alone has the ability to dwarf the other sectors financially, but not in concept and in value, as each part is a key element of the ecosystem. That being said, shares with dividends is likely the smartest play for any investor here but simple 300% ROI in 4 years also works. Being conservative here because this is new territory and also because taking the time to do this right will pay off for more than 10 years and lay a foundation and open up doors we are not even aware of at the moment. The Southeast Asian market alone in this sector can possibly run and operate all of World of Futuring™ annually if we set this up right. We invite the ambitious and youthful investor on this journey. If you happen to be into tech stocks, AI, and maybe played Atari or Gameboy, this could be the play for you.

Agriculture. Without going into the weeds on this one, there are many political forces at play to determine the most financially beneficial route for produce to travel. In World of Futuring™, we are locating an area where the foods that are able to be grown on the land are foods that people will be able to pick and benefit from while they are in the park itself. In addition to that, World of Futuring™ will determine the best ways to engage with the communities to provide foods not just for those in need, but for the environmentally and health conscious as well. A Wholefoods demographic. The financial component of this that seems to have the least amount of friction, is in providing a World of Futuring™ certification and allowing other restaurants and products to purchase that certification. This ties into the Restaurant aspect of what we will create and sell from these foods. The idea of inviting some of the top chefs in the world to come and prepare in World of Futuring™ is a show idea and marketing in and of itself, but the ROI will not be huge in this area. The ability to create a certification that other projects will want to purchase has the ability to create revenue but only enough to keep that part of the operation running. The benefit is in the world-wide marketing, the branding, and in the good will we will be able to generate in the areas that are able to benefit from what is agriculturally created. Consider $500,000 for land, workers, seeds, and creating a farm area from which we can create the other aspects. This investor appreciates the stability of land ownership and has a passion or belief in food, dining, chefs, and human sustenance in general. I would expect more involvement than ROI for the initial 8-10 years.

Some of the numbers presented here are in line with the numbers in "sectors" and some require more. A problem we've come across many times over is that oftentimes there is an investment that can get things "up and running" but the need to maintain it until it's self-sufficient or cashflowing is missing. Any area in any of the World of Futuring™ sectors we invite more and specific questions on in order to answer to the best of our ability. No sales, no fluff, no bs, just direct answers and clear insight.

We are building and creating something that has never existed in this form before. There are going to be many obstacles, problems, and numbers that we're not aware of. We've made films, run businesses, worked in real estate, gaming and crypto and have a level of expertise or connection to expertise at top levels in their respective areas, but bringing them all together in the World of Futuring™ way is new. Human behavior and business, for the most part, don't change. We have the fortune to be able to study and learn from the people and organizations who have built some of what we're creating, and we intend to learn and implement what we can from those models. There is a foundation to what we're doing that does not require the reinvention of the wheel. On top of that foundation, however, is the invention of a new wheel entirely. A wheel that doesn't roll, but one that assists people in their travels in a more efficient and effective way than the wheel has been able to up to this point.

If there are numbers that don't make sense. Just ask. If there is something you want more details on. Please ask. Another phenomenon we've seen repeatedly is that action trumps ignorance and while many people calculate and never take action, we invite investors who are action-takers, adapters, and those who are open to coming along for a ride where the benefit is not only the final outcome, but the journey itself. We believe in measuring twice and cutting once, but also ensuring that we cut when measurements aren't possible. We've found that in life, many times the only way to know where you're going is to take the first step or "the right next step" as Oprah says. Anyone who engages with World of Futuring™ at any level, will experience the exact same connection that the visitor, employee, contractor, designer, advertiser, and audience member or gamer will experience. We are all part of one thing, like the body. There is one body with many moving parts and organs and components. Moving in one direction, we will be able to create what millions of people over thousands of years, would never be able to create by not being united. Alignment is our secret. Alignment is the work. Moving in one direction is the biggest challenge. We've noticed that the biggest enemy to most strong and ancient societies, was the people themselves within it tearing themselves down. By focusing on alignment and unity of the core and everything and everyone associated with World of Futuring™, we strive to ensure that the only obstacle we encounter is from the outside. The outside attacks are the weakest ones. This is not an easy task and is nearly impossible, but thank goodness we believe in doing impossible things.

Thank you in advance for being a part of World of Futuring™. Your involvement and contribution, however big, is valued and appreciated.

"I'll see you in the present, which is the future, you design." -Excerpt from Futuring© The Book.

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