
We already have Disney World, Retreat Centers and Harry Potter...

Retreat centers are often seen as escapes from reality, while amusement parks focus solely on temporary pleasure. World of Futuring™ addresses these limitations by offering a unique blend of mental clarity, purpose, and enjoyment, providing visitors with the tools and inspiration to design their ideal lives.

The goal of World of Futuring™ is not to run from your life, but to run to it. The goal is not to escape from reality, but to create the reality you don't want to escape from. The idea is to not require such a high level of personal development enthusiasm, but simply to show up and allow Futuring to open you up to yourself.

We combine the entertainment of amusement parks with the impact of a self-development protocol, with the brand recognition of a theme park, and the introspection of a getaway retreat, to bring you World of Futuring™.

There is an ongoing criticism of education and the education system. Entertainment being empty and move of working with gurus only to learn how to make more money and nothing to do with developing your true self. World of Futuring™ is here to make the taste of bitter medicine as sweet as a spoon full of sugar to help it go down.

Regarding demographics, the people who want to go to Disney World are not the same people who want to go on a retreat for self development. World of Futuring™ has an Octopus-like ability to not only mirror what people truly want, but to have several arms and legs all leading to one central body. From investing to family fun to entertainment to books, crypto, animation, theater, meditaiton, or spirituality, it's all here leading to one thing. Alignment.

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