
Snags and potential problems to World of Futuring™ development.

There are the typical things that can go wrong with building and developing any global endeavor which include:

  • Internal conflict with core team (the number 1 problem)

  • Running out of funds

  • Building codes and City approvals

  • Pivoting too often and in some cases, at all

  • Inability to adapt to changing global conditions

  • Inexperience with physical building on this level

  • Underestimated time to adoption

World of Futuring™ includes building in what seems like every direction, in tandem, starting from scratch. Because World of Futuring™ has varying aspects to its foundation, this is one of the ways we mitigate risk.

If Crypto hits a wall, we have traditional Fiat transactions. If location and travel become an issue as was the case during COVID, we have the Metaverse. If online education is no longer of interest, we have a physical location to educate. If there is no longer a desire for education, we have movies that people can watch. If people no longer want to watch films, we have audio books they can listen to. If NFT's are no longer of interest, we have physical books that can be purchased and read.

There is a time for everything and the ability to adapt to changes in the market place is what is going to keep World of Futuring™ relevant. Any one aspect of World of Futuring™ neither makes nor breaks it. World of Futuring™ at the end of the day, is an extremely strong and established brand and intellectual property that isn't going anywhere.

The biggest road block to the development and return on investment of any and all of the World of Futuring™ community is the distraction of chasing or going after something that is out of the alignment of the brand. This is more difficult than it seems. Money will continue to flow into World of Futuring™ as we have seen people over and over again understand the scope and potential of World of Futuring™. Development will happen as there is so much talent capable of bringing the vision to life. We even have the ability to change locations or municipalities should any one government or structure interfere with the vision we've set forth for the people of World of Futuring™. The number one Roadblock to success is the decision making of ensuring that the next step is in alignment with the brand and goal. The number two Roadblock, which is the number one outside threat, is internal conflict, disagreements, or disruption, be it personal, interpersonal, or life-events that can affect the company.

There are three ways to protect from these Roadblocks.

  1. Be selective with who is a part of the Core Team

  2. Keep things simple and clear with stringent alignment checks

  3. Manage the human component with the same care and concern we have for our demographic

The management style of all talent is one that focuses on each individuals ability to be in their alignment as well. Life happens and difficulties happen and addressing them is the way to ensure that we stay cohesive as a team and company. We view the World of Futuring™ Team as one body. If the arm is injured, it affects the rest of the body and even affects how the person walks and certainly how they think. By addressing the arm, the rest of the body can function. World of Futuring™ has a Wholistic™ approach to how we manage and operate. The Wizard himself has 7 children at the moment and the same principles apply to World of Futuring™ team at large.

Running out of funds is related to expected time to adoption. Capital is always an issue and because of that fact, it's not an issue. The need for Capital is always there and by operating under this fact, there is never a time when we can run out because that would mean there was a time when we were fully satisfied. We view capital as a person's ability to connect with World of Futuring™ and be a part of something very big. There are always opportunities to connect and in truth, the concept of capital is important to understand. Capital is simply relationships. We focus on inviting and fostering the right relationships at all stages, cycles and touchpoints of what we build. When there is a need, it will be filled.

The final point to be made regarding these roadblocks comes down to commitment. Our timeline is, "until it's done." This is adaptation, this is focus, this is alignment. Discipline is required when doing something you don't prefer to do for an outcome that you want. With alignment, what looks like discipline and dogged determination, comes from a clarity of vision, destiny, and purpose. We are building something not that we want, but what will help make the world a better place to experience.

This path is long and hard. It's dirty and painful. But time will continue whether we act on our purpose or not. Time that has passed without living your purpose, is an invisible slavery. We are free. Welcome to Futuring.

Last updated