
What is your interest? What is your alignment?

Ken Honda has a book called, "Happy Money" and the idea that we've implemented from that book is that $10 of happy money can go further and provide more value than $10 of unhappy or angry money. The wild part is that we have found that $10 of 'Happy Money' can go surprisingly further than $100 of 'Unhappy money.' Because of this, and a few other things, we are only interested in 'Happy Money' and one of the ways we've helped people to infuse the money with that 'energy' is to find what you're personally interested in and then determine if that's your alignment.

Here are a few of the main 'sectors' World of Futuring™ is involved in and what we're doing. If something sticks out to you, gets you excited, puts a smile on your face, stays in your thoughts longer than usual, or if you start 'seeing' yourself in that area, that may be an indicator of alignment and where you may want to consider investing first.

Film and Animation

Futuring© is the story that started it all. Similar to Disney's Micky Mouse, Futuring© is a story that will be animated in 2D drawing form to tell the story with the ability to expand into other forms of animation.

A Documentary Series on the creation and building of World of Futuring™ is also in Pre-Production to tell the story of World of Futuring™ as it's being built.

World of Futuring™ as a production company that can bring other film scripts to life is also foundational to helping others who have the same understanding of what World of Futuring™ is providing, but through their own aligned storytelling perspective. This simply means we can produce other scripts and bring them to the market place. We have a team who sells to streaming services such as Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon for example. This turns every animation, film, documentary, or production into a marketing tool for World of Futuring™.

$250,000 launches the first documentary/docuseries that would be designed to sell to Netflix.


Wizard Wear™ is the inhouse Haute brand that JB The Wizard© himself wears and includes pants, shirts, head covering, and bags that have been worn for years and are unisex. We have the designs and connections to speak with brands like Wholefoods to get these on the shelves in stores or simply keep them online. With photography and branding backgrounds we are able to design a marketplace where Wizard Wear™ can be sold.

$70,000 hires the seamstresses, work location, and marketing to officially launch as something the public can also wear.

Book Publishing

The original Futuring© story along with books in the motivation sector have Pele Pele™ Press, our in-house book publishing company to capitalize on the growing Audible market and continually growing book market. This area requires more consistency man-power to get into stores although the ability to capitalize lucratively is more than doable online alone.

$25,000 hires the dedicated team to bringing the artist, writer, and voice together to create and publish content in a way that reaches the desired audience.

Destination Entertainment

This is the Life Park™ itself (aka Theme Park). The idea of being a part of something that people fly away to is exciting for certain nomad personalities and this connects to the park itself. From design to implementation and front-facing appearance, setting World of Futuring™ apart from just an amusement park requires intense understanding of who and what World of Futuring™ is at its core.

$20M hires the architects, Theme Park design company, engineers, artists, contractors, and permits required to create and build.


Education can include college, private, or public school which are sectors that generate Billions of dollars annually. Futuring University™ is the branch of World of Futuring™ that provides the ability for students to design their own curriculum thereby leading to a higher completion rate, satisfaction rate, and transferability of acquired skills to the workplace afterwards. Futuring University™ has an online arm, thereby allowing global engagement and protect from 'Covid-like shutdowns." Futuring University™ is designed to have a physical location as well, along with World of Futuring™ which allows for traditional forms of engagement and learning atmosphere that, although different from anything the University world has seen, has the similar camaraderie and school-spirit that translates into further revenue that affects marketing and increases credibility and new students alike.

$90,000 develops the marketing push to include more students, brand and copyright the Futuring University™ brand, create materials, and acquire permits that help students transition to other areas afterwards.


The World of Futuring Cafe™ provides food that is coined, "Food for the Mind" and designed to help with performance as well as an enjoyment of the food at the same time. At this time we have shakes and salads that have the ability to easily create repeat customers as they make the foods of World of Futuring Cafe™ part of their day to day staples.

$60,000 hires the workers, gets the permits, and pays for the location to be able to open a physical location and tap into the market to see the fit. If there is no stand-alone fit, World of Futuring™ is the central food supplier in World of Futuring™ Life Park. Determing a separate market fit only serves as another tool to market World of Futuring™ Life Park before we are finished building.

Crypto, Defi, NFT's, Loans and Banking

World of Futuring™ has aspects to it that are not domiciled and on the blockchain. For those who have an affinity for Crypto and the Blockchain, this is your area. Our experience and connections in the Defi and blockchain world are extensive and foundational to our ability to design an eco-system and community that has the ability to the thrive. The NFT world is extremely different than the Defi world for those who understand the nuances of both, so creating something that works for both demographics is a challenge in and of itself. Farming, LP's, Pools, Lending and Borrowing is an area that can be lucrative not only for the investor, but for the regular users who engage in the system as well. The points of design are collaboration with other Defi projects, Dexes, and protocols for swapping, trading and generating fees for users to benefit from. The NFT's allow for ownership in World of Futuring™ and Futuring© and the benefits that come along with that. Imagine owning a piece of Disney World or a page from Harry Potter, forever. The crypto aspect allows for World of Futuring™ to operate using its own currency for the benefit of creating an investment and stability for those who have a long-term outlook. Loans and Banking is designed to put the power into the hands of the people while at the same time benefiting the government in a way that has not yet been demonstrated in most countries to date.

$4M helps to provide deeper liquidity to begin partnerships on Dex's. Hiring developers, designers, and purchasing protective services for both World of Futuring™ and the users regarding token approvals and contract reviews. Registration costs for local compliance and protection as well as attorney fees for structural establishment.

Real Estate Development

Land, development, creating a magical world out of the dirt of the earth. Building materials, builders, people, machinery, architects, and permits. Depending on where we build, the ROI here is in the traditional form when it comes to Real Estate. The only difference is again, if you were the one to be a part of the land when Las Vegas was just a desert or Florida was just a swamp, it turns this into something a bit more than just another fix and flip or even shopping center with hotels. Location in this scenario is similar to investing in Dubai before they built everything on it. Ambitious? We hope you are too.

$20M helps to acquire the land, surveys, environmental permits, water discharges if necessary, air discharges if necessary, land movements, and the team to manage and build.


The metaverse is something that is so important that Facebook renamed their multibillion dollar company to keep up wih the coming tide. The Metaverse is something that will allow people from around the world to visit World of Futuring™ from the comfort of their own home. Without suggesting that the metaverse is a replacement for the physical visition of World of Futuring™, the main thing is that building a metaverse allows us to create the exact World of Futuring™ in the metaverse and even learn how people interact with it as we're building the physical version. What may take multiple years to build in real life, we'll build in less than a year and then have visitors and feedback that will help us to tweak and design a physical version that is already been improved upon to some degree. The FU Token will be utilized here. Digital assets and NFT's will be usable here as well. Despite the fact that a metaverse are many companies major plays, this is yet another tool to market World of Futuring™ and create engagement while generating revenue and helping to build the best World of Futuring™ possible. The other aspect to World of Futuring™ Metaverse is that it will provide the core value and aspect of the Life Park that some may not be able to experience for various reasons and limitations.

$60,000 to hire the developers, build the frame work, integrate the Web 3 dapp and connectivity for token usage, test, and launch.

Online Presence and Marketing

There are many other VC's and platforms who want projects like ours to build on their platforms. One of the first things they look at as they consider approval, investing, or interest to list World of Futuring™ alongside some of their other projects, is the following, social media presence, and website amoung other things. Creating a following and building out a presence is something we are versed in doing and have spent many years creating the foundation for. At this point, hiring the team to help implement what we know to work is what will build the momentum and help establish our footpring to help other platforms and investors and layman alike, understand what World of Futuring™ is.

$50,000 for website design, implementation, social media marketers and influencers, community builders and managers.

Live Performance

Our background is in live performance, particularly theater and musical theater. We've performed with Tony Award winners, Broadway performers, and have been a part of Actor's Equity Association. Futuring© is designed and made to be performed. The performance of Futuring© on Broadway in NYC is part of a multi-city and nation tour. Watching the performance of one of the Futuring© stories is akin to literally visiting World of Futuring™. It draws the listener in and creates an atmosphere they can bring with them. The performance of Futuring© is a foundational marketing piece for World of Futuring© and brings awareness to all theatergoers and reviewers. Tours and live performance is extremely taxing but to many people, there is nothing that can replace it. The experience of Futuring© on Stage is a blend between a one-man show, cirque du soleil, and Wicked. There is a large amount of revenue that is generated through live performance but the ability to create a moving marketing piece is truly where this fits in in the scheme of things.

$250,000 pays for rehearsal hall fees, set design, construction and materials of the set, music licensing, theater-marketing reviews, multi-city marketing, crew, stage manager, costume, seamstress, and promotion.


We are incredibly excited about the gaming industry and the relationship that World of Futuring™ has with it. Gaming is an industry that includes crypto-gaming, play-to-earn, tournaments, tokens, in-game purchasing, phone apps, gaming console licensing and deals, and close connections to film, animation, and the book industry. Gaming is an over $200B industry and will continue to solidify its value as we see continued proofs of the benefits of gaming on career development, univeristy majors, and global use in military and business. Games have the ability to demonstrate an entire new world that can operate with new physics, maths, and economies. Some of the games we intend to use as determining how to best create a world we all would enjoy to live in and others will appear and feel like a traditional entertainment game like Mario or Fortnite but with the usual World of Futuring™ fingerprint of having a purpose and micro-experience that translates to outside of the game.

$500,000 to develop both V1 and V2 of 2-3 working games including marketing in tandem with everything else Futuring©.


We are very excited about the farming and agriculture aspect. Creating an area where food is able to be grown and farmed provides land and opportunity for farmers and local food and produce that isn't reliant on shipping and certain taxation. Think about walking through World of Futuring™ and reaching up and grabbing an orange or a banana as you continue to stroll. Now consider going into a grocery store and seeing the label or section of "Wizard Fruit from Futuring." A taste of World of Futuring™ throughout the area.

$500,000 for the land and the materials and seeds and farmers needed to get the farm in motion until it is self-sustaining.


Our vision for families or individuals coming to World of Futuring™ is that they will begin to experience it the very moment they engage with the flights and tickets to coming. What this looks like is someone going online and seeing the ability to visit World of Futuring™. Someone sent to their house to help them pack and prepare and then even drive them to airport in a Futuring vehicle and the Futuring Terminal will be unlike any other terminal. You can already begin to feel World of Futuring™ the moment you prepare to come. The experience of coming to World of Futuring™ begins before you arrive. It begins before you get on the plane. It certainly continues while you're on the plane. The artwork from Futuring© will be on the outside of the plane and the marketing is constantly on intrigue regarding people both wondering and wanting to go where that plane is flying. The concept of providing Futuring workers on the ground in the location of where people are flying from seems not only first class but costly to World of Futuring™, we have a solution to this which we'll discuss later.

$10M for Terminal rental for a year, collaboration with airline to use one of their planes and then pay for gas and pilot etc.

Last updated