
Experiences that help us with World of Futuring™

Here is a list of projects, accomplishments and failures that have made us uniquely qualified and prepared to build World of Futuring™.

World of Futuring™ is comprised of clients, investors, friends, family, founders, and strangers who understand the vision. It seems like World of Futuring™ at its core, is You.

The Wizard, JB, was first called The Wizard when one of his clients had a personal breakthrough and commented, "I'm deleting your name from my phone and replacing it with "The Wizard" because I feel like you're a Wizard who jumped out of the side of a mountain to come and talk with me!" We then started to hear and get called Wizard by other clients and the name stuck.

To keep things short, for now, here is a running list of some of The Wizard's skills and accomplishments and failures that created the foundational tools to bring World of Futuring™ to life.

  • Entrepreneur for over 20 years (glorified way of saying he endured big ups and downs, personal management of time and money and expertise in developing anything needed to get someone to say "Yes". No backup plan, no financial backing, no boss, no job, but a wife and children.)

  • Actor in Prison Break on FOX (after working for years to this SAG eligible role, as far as we know, the scene was cut from airing. He still has the experience but not the residual checks.)

  • Co-Producer on The Ningyo, with the Special Effects team from Thor, Transformers 3, The Twilight Saga, Fantastic Four, and began talks with the John Wick Chronicles Production company to produce a full length feature. (Missed the cut off to have appearance in the film. Long story)

  • Producer of Fortune 500 Company Aerial Helicopter and Drone in-company films for the North American Division of the Global Company.

  • Coach to CEO's, Emmy Award Winning and Nike Athlete, Influencers, Military Fighter-Jet Pilots and Top Salespeople producing over $100M per year.

  • Author of Alignment Alchemy© (Amazon Audible possibly still has a glitch somewhere).

  • Auditioned for Stephen Spielberg's Band of Brothers (huge opportunity for agent to even get and still goes down as the worst audition he's ever had.)

  • Auditioned for Disney's The Frog Princess (still goes down as the best audition he's Ever had)

  • Lead with Jensen Ackles from Supernatural on CW and Lou Diamond Philips, Tony Award Winner and LaBamba and Young Guns Star in the Broadway series Theater Performance of, "A Few Good Men."

  • Director of the short, "The Scot and the Aussie." (self-proclaimed very cool film and great performance).

  • Pre-Medical Degree in Exercise Physiology (Exercise Science but Physiology sounds cooler sometimes and was the original degree)

  • Motion Capture in video game for SONY

  • Voice Over in One Piece on Cartoon Network (lots of grunts and groans)

  • Studied with Film Director of Children of the Corn and one of the Producers of The Godfather Trilogy. (Fritz Kiersch and Gray Frederickson respectively).

  • Worked and learned with some of the best Copywriting, Branding, Marketing, and Social Media experts in the world.

  • Moderately owned, controlled, purchased, rented Real Estate and other investments

During the past 20 years, The Wizard trained Miss America, learned more languages, accrued a moderate amount of debt, added 7 children to the family, had horrible experiences attempting to crush him, and added enemies and dear friends to his life. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't easy. It isn't easy, it isn't always pretty, but if you can see the garden in your mind and taste the strawberries in your mouth, then the manure is something that nourishes your field. Focus on the strawberries.

World of Futuring™ is our strawberries.

Last updated