Blue Zone

From Okinawa to Nicoya and now, here.

A blue zone is an area of lower chronic diseases and a longer life expectancy. There is an art to a blue zone that many times goes unnoticed because it's simply the way the people have been living for a certain amount of time.

There is an excellent documentary by Dan Buettner called, "Live to 100" where he has spent over 20 years visiting various "blue zones" around the world and even going so far as to begin to create them in the U.S.

One of the things we noticed at World of Futuring™ is that there are many things that are key elements to the blue zone cultures that we have as part of our everyday living, learning, and thinking. By simply living a life of Futuring, is it possible that you can decrease health risks and increase life expectancy? There are reasons to believe this to be possible but more importantly, what we do just happens to be in accordance with the global zones that have the longest life expectancy in the world so that's a plus.

Our climate, our foods, our lifestyle, our physical movement, our "ikigai" or "plan devida", which we call our "Alignment" can all contribute to a better way of living, while still having fun.

There will be many people from all over the globe who will come to experience a true Blue Zone at World of Futuring™ but our goal is that you will not only come to World of Futuring™ to "experience" a Blue Zone but bring World of Futuring™ back to where you came from so that any positive aspect can positively impact where you're from and be more than simply a "get away."

World of Futuring™, the next Blue Zone.

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