What is needed?

It takes a village to build a... Village.

We need support from the government. This is the most important aspect at this time. Support in the form of connections, approvals, funding, publicity and platforms for World of Futuring™ to share as well as using their platform to share World of Futuring™.

Relationships are everything. Money is usually simply a tool to help establish those relationships. When a relationship requires money, we need money, when a relationship requires a connection, we need the connection, when the relationship needs a push or a good word, that's what we need. There are many ways for something to die, and when we come up with a list of how to make certain something would never be able to happen (I know, sounds counterintuitive), here is what it boils down to.

Relationship building and Open Communication

Money whenever capital is slowing or impeding movement

So, whenever there is a block or slow in progress, we need to RAM through it. We need a RAM to break through the block. RAM is Relationship, Action, and Money.

What is needed changes depending on the stage we're in. When money is not an issue, we'll need introductions and relationships. When we have relationships and money, we may need a policy or help with a permit that is slowing movement. When we have the relationship, policy on our side, but require money to push it over the finish line, then we want money.

RAM. Let's go.

Last updated